About the new features I will write soon more details in the "Instrumentation" subforum.This Service Pack also install the new documentation in Help format where you can find more information. There were no critical corrections, so there is no hurry to install it.The download page is: -astro...com/down_en.htm
* New feature. Remove gradient adaptive with parameter.* New feature. Cut borders for images downloaded from the camera.* New feature. Normalization for all methods of image stacking.* New feature. Sync for rotators under ASCOM 6.5.* New feature. Script commands for domes.* Improved. Compress star filter multicore.* Improved. Faster pixel operations in scripts.* Improved. Telescope park and tracking status is shown.* Bug fix. Some AVIs could not be opened in 64 bits.* Bug fix. Ring median filter could not be stopped correctly.* Bug fix. North and South poles could not be plate solved.* Bug fix. Script command Guider.WaitStar might crash the script.* Bug fix. Profile did not work well if one point outside the image.
Astroart 5 0 Download Cracked
2021/05/17: 2:20: Option to connect the last used ASCOM driver.2018/03/27: 2.10: Improved support of "partially compatible" ASCOM drivers.2018/01/26: 2.00: Improved support of "partially compatible" ASCOM drivers.2013/06/19: 1.50: Two ASCOM cameras at the same time with Interface 5.10.2012/07/31: 1.40: Rotation and flipping of downloaded images.2011/11/13: 1.30: Options for PulseGuide.2011/05/20: 1.20: Fix for dialog window not in foreground.2010/11/04: 1.10: Compatible with all QHY cameras.2010/10/23: 1.00: The first release. 2ff7e9595c